So What Is This All About?
Good question. I decided to make this website for reasons related to both business and pleasure. I love digital marketing. I love getting to the root issue of problems and figuring out solutions. I love helping people and steering them in the direction of success. If we have a simple chat and that helps you solve your business problem(s); excellent. I am here to do real, honest work without any smoke and mirrors or unachievable goals. If I make a dollar or two doing it, even better. I offer 100% transparency and measured success.
Also, take a gander at my Thoughts & Ramblings page when you get a moment. I will be dropping knowledge, asking serious, half serious and ridiculous questions. Also you can learn a bit more about my passions, interests and things I just generally kind of like.
Don’t be shy, SAY HEY!
Areas Of Work
Search Engine Optimization
In layman’s terms, increasing your websites visibility in search engines. SEO is a mix of many little things with a big impact on how easily the browsing public find you. Let me have a look inside of your website and do a quick audit to see what can be improved upon.
Search Engine Marketing
Need to entice those in the consideration stage of the customer journey? SEM is for targeting those who know they want or need a product in your category so why not influence them to pick yours. Let me help you get the most of your PPC efforts.
Display Advertising
Display advertising sets itself apart from search by using rich content (video, animated images, static images) to inform or entice those in the pre-commerce stage. Think this could benefit your company or product? Ping me!
Social Media
More than just a task to occupy an intern, social media demands to be taken seriously. Done properly it elicits feelings from people; joy, need, want, trust, hunger, fear and so on. Let’s sit and chat about matching your value proposition to your social strategy.
Mobile Advertising
It’s not the way of the future, it’s the way of now and it’s never been a better time to utilize mobile advertising to deliver contextual messaging to people in the different stages of their customer journey. Lets discuss how mobile advertising can get you over your current hurdle.
Business Strategy
There is so much stimuli passing us by day-to-day that sometimes we get distracted or lured away from our initial goal, or what we initially stood for. I can help you, as an unbias third party, see these strategy meanderings and guide business in the right direction.